Version Originale

./aip/1.8aipmod/source/Irrlicht/CGUIStaticText.h :

// Copyright (C) 2002-2011 Nikolaus Gebhardt

// This file is part of the "Irrlicht Engine".

// For conditions of distribution and use, see copyright notice in irrlicht.h


#include "IrrCompileConfig.h"

#include "IGUIStaticText.h"
#include "irrArray.h"

namespace irr
namespace gui
	class CGUIStaticText : public IGUIStaticText

		//! constructor

		CGUIStaticText(const wchar_t* text, bool border, IGUIEnvironment* environment,
			IGUIElement* parent, s32 id, const core::rect<s32>& rectangle,
			bool background = false);

		//! destructor

		virtual ~CGUIStaticText();

		//! draws the element and its children

		virtual void draw();

		//! Sets another skin independent font.

		virtual void setOverrideFont(IGUIFont* font=0);

		//! Gets the override font (if any)

		virtual IGUIFont * getOverrideFont() const;

		//! Sets another color for the text.

		virtual void setOverrideColor(video::SColor color);

		//! Sets another color for the background.

		virtual void setBackgroundColor(video::SColor color);

		//! Sets whether to draw the background

		virtual void setDrawBackground(bool draw);

		//! Sets whether to draw the border

		virtual void setDrawBorder(bool draw);

		//! Sets alignment mode for text

		virtual void setTextAlignment(EGUI_ALIGNMENT horizontal, EGUI_ALIGNMENT vertical);

		//! Gets the override color

		virtual video::SColor const & getOverrideColor() const;

		//! Sets if the static text should use the overide color or the

		//! color in the gui skin.

		virtual void enableOverrideColor(bool enable);

		//! Checks if an override color is enabled

		virtual bool isOverrideColorEnabled() const;

		//! Set whether the text in this label should be clipped if it goes outside bounds

		virtual void setTextRestrainedInside(bool restrainedInside);
		//! Checks if the text in this label should be clipped if it goes outside bounds

		virtual bool isTextRestrainedInside() const;

		//! Enables or disables word wrap for using the static text as

		//! multiline text control.

		virtual void setWordWrap(bool enable);

		//! Checks if word wrap is enabled

		virtual bool isWordWrapEnabled() const;

		//! Sets the new caption of this element.

		virtual void setText(const wchar_t* text);

		//! Returns the height of the text in pixels when it is drawn.

		virtual s32 getTextHeight() const;

		//! Returns the width of the current text, in the current font

		virtual s32 getTextWidth() const;

		//! Updates the absolute position, splits text if word wrap is enabled

		virtual void updateAbsolutePosition();

		//! Writes attributes of the element.

		virtual void serializeAttributes(io::IAttributes* out, io::SAttributeReadWriteOptions* options) const;

		//! Reads attributes of the element

		virtual void deserializeAttributes(io::IAttributes* in, io::SAttributeReadWriteOptions* options);


		//! Breaks the single text line.

		void breakText();

		bool Border;
		bool OverrideColorEnabled;
		bool OverrideBGColorEnabled;
		bool WordWrap;
		bool Background;
		bool RestrainTextInside;

		video::SColor OverrideColor, BGColor;
		gui::IGUIFont* OverrideFont;
		gui::IGUIFont* LastBreakFont; // stored because: if skin changes, line break must be recalculated.

		core::array< core::stringw > BrokenText;

} // end namespace gui

} // end namespace irr



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