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./aip/1.8aipmod/include/ICursorControl.h :

// Copyright (C) 2002-2011 Nikolaus Gebhardt

// This file is part of the "Irrlicht Engine".

// For conditions of distribution and use, see copyright notice in irrlicht.h


#include "IReferenceCounted.h"
#include "position2d.h"
#include "rect.h"

namespace irr
namespace gui

	class IGUISpriteBank;

	//! Default icons for cursors

		// Following cursors might be system specific, or might use an Irrlicht icon-set. No guarantees so far.

		ECI_NORMAL,		// arrow

		ECI_CROSS,		// Crosshair

		ECI_HAND, 		// Hand

		ECI_HELP,		// Arrow and question mark

		ECI_IBEAM,		// typical text-selection cursor

		ECI_NO, 		// should not click icon

		ECI_WAIT, 		// hourclass

		ECI_SIZEALL,  	// arrow in all directions

		ECI_SIZENESW,	// resizes in direction north-east or south-west

		ECI_SIZENWSE, 	// resizes in direction north-west or south-east

		ECI_SIZENS, 	// resizes in direction north or south

		ECI_SIZEWE, 	// resizes in direction west or east

		ECI_UP,			// up-arrow

		// Implementer note: Should we add system specific cursors, which use guaranteed the system icons,

		// then I would recommend using a naming scheme like ECI_W32_CROSS, ECI_X11_CROSSHAIR and adding those

		// additionally.

		ECI_COUNT		// maximal of defined cursors. Note that higher values can be created at runtime


	//! Names for ECURSOR_ICON

	const c8* const GUICursorIconNames[ECI_COUNT+1] =

	//! structure used to set sprites as cursors.

	struct SCursorSprite
		: SpriteBank(0), SpriteId(-1)

		SCursorSprite( gui::IGUISpriteBank * spriteBank, s32 spriteId, const core::position2d<s32> &hotspot=core::position2d<s32>(0,0) )
		: SpriteBank(spriteBank), SpriteId(spriteId), HotSpot(hotspot)

		gui::IGUISpriteBank * SpriteBank;
		s32 SpriteId;
		core::position2d<s32> HotSpot;

	//! Interface to manipulate the mouse cursor.

	class ICursorControl : public virtual IReferenceCounted

		//! Changes the visible state of the mouse cursor.

		/** \param visible: The new visible state. If true, the cursor will be visible,
		if false, it will be invisible. */
		virtual void setVisible(bool visible) = 0;

		//! Returns if the cursor is currently visible.

		/** \return True if the cursor is visible, false if not. */
		virtual bool isVisible() const = 0;

		//! Sets the new position of the cursor.

		/** The position must be
		between (0.0f, 0.0f) and (1.0f, 1.0f), where (0.0f, 0.0f) is
		the top left corner and (1.0f, 1.0f) is the bottom right corner of the
		render window.
		\param pos New position of the cursor. */
		virtual void setPosition(const core::position2d<f32> &pos) = 0;

		//! Sets the new position of the cursor.

		/** The position must be
		between (0.0f, 0.0f) and (1.0f, 1.0f), where (0.0f, 0.0f) is
		the top left corner and (1.0f, 1.0f) is the bottom right corner of the
		render window.
		\param x New x-coord of the cursor.
		\param y New x-coord of the cursor. */
		virtual void setPosition(f32 x, f32 y) = 0;

		//! Sets the new position of the cursor.

		/** \param pos: New position of the cursor. The coordinates are pixel units. */
		virtual void setPosition(const core::position2d<s32> &pos) = 0;

		//! Sets the new position of the cursor.

		/** \param x New x-coord of the cursor. The coordinates are pixel units.
		\param y New y-coord of the cursor. The coordinates are pixel units. */
		virtual void setPosition(s32 x, s32 y) = 0;

		//! Returns the current position of the mouse cursor.

		/** \return Returns the current position of the cursor. The returned position
		is the position of the mouse cursor in pixel units. */
		virtual const core::position2d<s32>& getPosition() = 0;

		//! Returns the current position of the mouse cursor.

		/** \return Returns the current position of the cursor. The returned position
		is a value between (0.0f, 0.0f) and (1.0f, 1.0f), where (0.0f, 0.0f) is
		the top left corner and (1.0f, 1.0f) is the bottom right corner of the
		render window. */
		virtual core::position2d<f32> getRelativePosition() = 0;

		//! Sets an absolute reference rect for setting and retrieving the cursor position.

		/** If this rect is set, the cursor position is not being calculated relative to
		the rendering window but to this rect. You can set the rect pointer to 0 to disable
		this feature again. This feature is useful when rendering into parts of foreign windows
		for example in an editor.
		\param rect: A pointer to an reference rectangle or 0 to disable the reference rectangle.*/
		virtual void setReferenceRect(core::rect<s32>* rect=0) = 0;

		//! Sets the active cursor icon

		/** Setting cursor icons is so far only supported on Win32 and Linux */
		virtual void setActiveIcon(ECURSOR_ICON iconId) {}

		//! Gets the currently active icon

		virtual ECURSOR_ICON getActiveIcon() const { return gui::ECI_NORMAL; }

		//! Add a custom sprite as cursor icon.

		/** \return Identification for the icon */
		virtual ECURSOR_ICON addIcon(const gui::SCursorSprite& icon) { return gui::ECI_NORMAL; }

		//! replace a cursor icon.

		/** Changing cursor icons is so far only supported on Win32 and Linux
			Note that this only changes the icons within your application, system cursors outside your
			application will not be affected.
		virtual void changeIcon(ECURSOR_ICON iconId, const gui::SCursorSprite& sprite) {}

		//! Return a system-specific size which is supported for cursors. Larger icons will fail, smaller icons might work.

		virtual core::dimension2di getSupportedIconSize() const { return core::dimension2di(0,0); }

} // end namespace gui

} // end namespace irr


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