So all four values may be between 0 and 255. Alpha in Irrlicht is opacity, so 0 is fully transparent, 255 is fully opaque (solid). This class is used by most ...
Member Function Documentation ... Get the pixel depth of a video mode in bits. ... Get current desktop screen resolution. ... Gets amount of video modes in the list.
All 2d and 3d rendering is done here. More... Classes. class IGPUProgrammingServices. Interface making it possible to create and use programs running on the GPU ...
Member Function Documentation ... Copies the image into the target, scaling the image to fit. ... Copies the image into the target, scaling the image to fit.
Detailed Description. Class which is able to create a image from a file. If you want the Irrlicht Engine be able to load textures of currently unsupported file ...
Detailed Description. Interface of a Video Driver dependent Texture. An ITexture is created by an IVideoDriver by using IVideoDriver::addTexture or IVideoDriver ...
Disable a feature of the driver. virtual void draw2DImage (const video::ITexture *texture, const core::position2d< s32 > &destPos)=0. Draws a 2d image ...
In Irrlicht you can use anisotropic texture filtering in conjunction with bilinear or trilinear texture filtering to improve rendering results. Primitives will ...
Member Data Documentation ... How much ambient light (a global light) is reflected by this material. The default is full white, meaning objects are completely ...
Called if an event happened. Detailed Description. Interface of an object which can receive events. Many of the engine's classes inherit IEventReceiver so they ...