Namespaces · namespace irr. Everything in the Irrlicht Engine can be found in this namespace. · namespace irr::video. The video namespace contains classes for ...
virtual video::S3DVertex & getLast ()=0; virtual video::E_VERTEX_TYPE getType () const =0; virtual video::S3DVertex & operator[] (const u32 index) const =0 ...
More... class IVideoModeList. A list of all available video modes. More... struct S3DVertex. standard vertex used by ...
template<class S , class T > vector2d< T > ... References max_(), and min_(). Referenced by irr::scene::quake3 ... S3DVertex::getInterpolated(), irr::video ...
Interface for using some special functions of MD3 meshes. More... class IAnimatedMeshSceneNode. Scene node capable of displaying an animated mesh and its shadow ...
Class representing a 32 bit ARGB color. The color values for alpha, red, green, and blue are stored in a single u32. So all four values may be between 0 and 255 ...
Creates a copy of the mesh, which will only consist of S3DVertex vertices. Parameters: mesh, Input mesh. Returns: Mesh consisting only of S3DVertex vertices.
An interpolated vector. This vector is not modified. Definition at line 247 of file vector3d.h. Referenced by irr::video::S3DVertex::getInterpolated(), ...
Calculates the angle between this vector and another one in degree. T getDistanceFrom (const vector2d< T > &other) const. Gets distance from another point. T ...
irr::video::S3DVertex · irr::video ... File List · File Members. Public Member Functions. irr::gui::ICursorControl Class Reference ... A pointer to an reference ...