Returns the current position of the cursor. The returned position is a value between (0.0f, 0.0f) and (1.0f, 1.0f), where (0.0f, 0.0f) is the top left corner ...
The gui namespace contains useful classes for easy creation of a graphical user interface. More... Classes. class ICursorControl.
Get the current color format of the window. virtual gui::ICursorControl * getCursorControl ()=0. Provides access to the cursor control. virtual ...
Class List · Class Index · Class Hierarchy · Class ... irrlicht.h File Reference. Main header file of the irrlicht, the only ... #include "ICursorControl.h" # ...
sets the color of the background, if it should be drawn. virtual void setDrawBackground (bool draw=true)=0. sets if the tab should draw its background. virtual ...
irr::gui::ICursorControl · irr::scene ... irr::gui::IGUIInOutFader Class Reference. Element ... The documentation for this class was generated from the following ...
irr::gui::ICursorControl · irr::scene ... irr::scene::ISceneNode Class Reference. Scene node ... The documentation for this class was generated from the following ...
The near edge. Detailed Description. template<class T> class irr::core::aabbox3d< T >. Axis aligned bounding box in 3d dimensional space.
Class representing a 32 bit ARGB color. The color values for alpha, red, green, and blue are stored in a single u32. So all four values may be between 0 and 255 ...
Class List · irr::core::aabbox3d< T > · irr::core::map< KeyType ... irr::gui::ICursorControl · irr::scene ... irr::core::array< T, TAlloc > Class Template Reference.